Monday, July 6, 2009

Thing 16 Library Thing

I sampled Library Thing a couple of years ago as a way to keep track of the titles of books I'd read. But someone suggested Shelfari which I like better for that purpose. So, I visited Library Thing again. I do like that I can catalog my home collection. I've been trying to decide how to make a list of all the versions of The Night Before Christmas that I have. I think I've found that way--easy to add, covers, I can add notes, and I can export out if desired. So, I add 5 versions that I could think of off the top of my head. I like the side feature of On This Day relating to authors. I also see that they have a upgrade version with that paid option. The groups looked interesting. I read a view posts from the Librarians Who Use LibraryThing group.

As I was looking around after I'd added my book titles, I came upon a link to creating a cover mosaic. While easy to load on my computer, I still haven't figured out how to do the mosaic. I tried uploading the thumbnail pictures of all the librarians in our system so that I could create a fun mosaic of them. I'm still fiddling and haven't exactly worked that out. But that's bird walking from the project at hand.

I had the dickens of a time finding the suggested topics to explore!!! They are topics within the Thinkology blog which I couldn't figure out how to search. I searched through and finally found the information on the blog. These posts about developments from 2006, 2007, and 2008 don't seem to have created a continued interest. I think they sound nifty but I have no idea how to access those tools. I sure didn't find them listed on the tools section.

I guess overall I see potential use for Library Thing but I also find my self floundering around with it. Perhaps I am missing the obvious....

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